A Letter to Persistence: Reflections from My Future Self

  • 7th July 2023
Group Study
Dear Younger Me,

As I sit in my office, reminiscing about our long and challenging journey, I feel a deep sense of gratitude and pride. It was a path filled with trials and tribulations, but here we are, having finally cracked the exam we strived for, for over a decade.

If I could, there are several things I'd like to tell you, words I hope would provide you some solace during those grueling years of preparation.

Firstly, understand that this journey you've embarked on is not a race; it's a marathon. It's a test of endurance, patience, and resilience. So don't rush yourself or compare your progress with others. Everyone has their own pace, their own battles, and their own timelines. Your timeline is yours alone, and that's okay.

The constant failures you face will seem insurmountable. Each time a result isn't in your favor, it might feel like the world is closing in on you. But remember, every failure is a lesson. It's not definitive; it does not encapsulate your worth or predict your future. Use these failures to fuel your perseverance, not deter your spirit.

There will be times when motivation will run low. During those times, remember your 'why'. Why did you embark on this journey? What drives you to secure a government job? Your 'why' will be the beacon that guides you through the most challenging times. Also, find joy in small victories, draw inspiration from success stories, and keep visualizing your dream job.

Society's expectations and pressure will sometimes seem suffocating. Know that you don't have to conform to them. This is your journey, and it's perfectly fine to tread your own path. What people say or think is not in your control, but how you react is. Seek support from those who believe in you and distance yourself from negativity.

I know that finances are tight. But remember, lack of resources is often the best motivation for resourcefulness. Use libraries, second-hand books, free online resources, and scholarships. These struggles will make your success story even more inspiring.

Lastly, take care of yourself. Mental and physical wellbeing is crucial. Exercise, maintain a healthy diet, meditate, and make time for activities that bring you joy. You're not a machine; you need rest and recreation to recharge and keep going.

Younger Me, you're about to embark on a journey that will seem long and exhausting. There will be several roadblocks, but trust me when I say this - the destination is worth every hardship. You're stronger than you believe, and you're capable of extraordinary things. Keep pushing, keep believing, and never forget to celebrate the journey.

With love and pride,
Your Future Self.